Island Guy With Chai was born out of a love for chai.
While on vacation in 2014 we experienced some amazing chai. But when we returned home, we couldn’t find a product that came close to our experience. This propelled us into exploring the world of chai and creating the perfect product ourselves.
We believe that great chai should be made of premium ingredients and be full of flavour.
We’ve handcrafted several full-flavour chai varieties for discerning palates like yours. If you have a love for chai, then give one our chai blends a try!
As a small business, Island Guy With Chai strives to support those around us. Our strong ties to the community mean we source many of our products from local suppliers and local growers. We are proud to support our fellow Vancouver Island vendors and we are very proud to be a Canadian company!
By the way, when we aren’t busy running Island Guy With Chai we can be found with our four dogs walking on the beaches or hiking the many trails of beautiful Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
Island Guy with Chai invites you to try our chai.